Perform data engineering and analysis operations. Collect information from multiple sources, then organize it in the main window in accordance with the type, related tasks and processes. Transform data, store it, integrate it into larger projects, etc.
DB-MAIN is a data-modeling and data-architecture tool. It is designed to help developers and analysts in most data engineering processes, including
design processes: requirement analysis, conceptual design, normalisation, schema integration, logical design, physical design, schema optimisation, code generation.
transformations: schema transformation, model transformation, ETL.
reverse engineering and program understanding: schema analysis (COBOL, CODASYL, IMS, IDMS, SQL, XML, ...), code analysis, data and data flow reverse engineering.
maintenance, evolution and integration: database migration, database evolution, impact analysis, database integration and federation, data wrapper design and generation.
and many other domains like temporal and active databases, datawarehouse, XML engineering...
DB-MAIN also includes meta-modeling components that allow its users to develop new functions and extend its repository.